Health and environmentally friendly natural modular homes

Dome home WANDA 100 m²

The offered model is the WANDA dome / with a built-up area of 100 m² and a living area of 130 m²

See 360′ visualization of the interior of the dome – FB version

The building we present to you is designed as a dome. A dome is a natural shape that enhances well-being and health, which promotes an atmosphere of understanding and joy, and gives a sense of wholeness and perfection. The dome helps us to focus on ourselves and thus develops our creativity, awareness and intuition. Such an interior is calming and healing. The dome has the property of enhancing energy, so there will always be plenty of energy in such a house.

A house that takes care of you!

The roots of the idea of spherical houses date back to prehistoric times and relate to the functioning of primitive cultures. These types of houses perfectly fit in with Nature, imitating the best in it. Nests of birds or shelters of other animals always have a round form.

As the spherical house does not have perpendicular exterior walls, so typical of traditional buildings, so there is no standard front, garden or side elevation, which significantly reduces construction costs.

The dome is a self-supporting structure, based on a circular base, whose area is larger than that of a square or rectangle of the same perimeter, which is important when planning the building area.

See 360′ visualization of the interior of the bedroom on the first floor of the dome – FB version

The 100 m² house, built on a square plan, has a perimeter of 40 m.

A house on a circular plan with a perimeter of 40 m will have an area of 127.5 m².

A 100 m² circular plan house will have a perimeter of 35.5 m.

The spherical layout of the walls creates an amazingly flexible form that offers endless possibilities to shape the interior in any way you choose.

Translating these qualities into the language of economy and construction, we get the maximum built-up area and cubic capacity at the lowest cost, which gives real savings in the cost of materials and work when building such a house.

See 360′ visualization of the interior of the bathroom on the first floor of the dome – FB version

A dome is a geometric form that with its energy affects those who inhabit it.

Biogeometry, on the other hand, is the new science of energy quality and its impact on our lives, a science that has emerged in architecture as a response to the dangers of modern technology.

The science of biogeometry uses the energy principles of geometric form to bring natural balance to the various energy qualities found in every living system. The residential dome fits perfectly with the principles of biogeometry.

See a 360′ visualization of another version of the dome’s interior – FB version


The dome was designed as a two-story building, with special care taken to set aside and provide a day and night and utility area.

The first room of the building is a vestibule. Next to it is located a utility room, where a boiler room can be located; its type depends on the selected heat source.
From the vestibule we go to the corridor leading to the study or guest room and to the centrally located staircase. This solution minimizes the space needed for communication in the house.

Around the staircase the remaining rooms are arranged radially. On the first floor – a master bedroom with a separate bathroom, a toilet and an open living room with a dining room, a kitchenette with a small pantry.

On the first floor, a mezzanine floor open to the living room has been designed, providing an excellent space for work or leisure, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a laundry room. The interior is illuminated by balcony windows on the first floor and slope windows on the first floor.

All rooms can be practically freely modified, so the final program will be designed according to the investor’s needs.

Ground floor and first floor plan of the WANDA model

At the top of the dome is a skylight, which provides natural light in the house throughout the day (at night it allows you to watch the starry cosmos).

This is both a solution that improves the comfort of the occupants, as well as being very economical, as it means that no electricity is consumed. Of course, the house also has other windows, but it is through the skylight that most light comes in, from sunrise to sunset.

The advantage of a dome-shaped house is the great flexibility in arranging the space, so that we have the opportunity to make our own choice in the arrangement of rooms, windows, partitions and all installations.

Not without significance is also the fact that such a house by its very external appearance makes a unique impression. The interior, on the other hand, simply delights with its lack of angles, corners and sharp edges.

In such a house one just wants to live!

The modular dome consists of modules with KVH-dried wood frame filled with hemp concrete.

Hempcrete, from the words “hemp”  and “concrete” –  is a lightweight building material that is a mixture of cut industrial hemp stalks, lime and water, in the right proportions. It thus represents a natural, healthy, sustainable and, importantly, local building material.

Hempcrete has the potential to revolutionize natural construction, as it fits strongly into the trend of renewable resources. It has a negative carbon footprint, as hemp absorbs more carbon dioxide during growth than is later used to make building materials from it.

The material is called “concrete” on the one hand because it is made by combining a filler with a binder (hemp shives with lime), and on the other hand because of its gradual hardening, as the lime becomes harder and harder under the carbonization process, so year after year the structure is stronger and the lime slowly transforms into limestone rock.

Hempcrete is a very good thermal insulator. It is completely non-flammable, and thanks to its lime content it is resistant to fungal and mold growth.

It is a completely biodegradable material – it is 100% decomposable when needed, such as after demolition of a house.

➜ For details, check out the Q&A page.

Dome Home DZIEWANNA 35 m²

The offered model is the DZIEWANNA dome /
with a built-up area of 35 m² and a living area of 35m².

See 360′ visualization of the interior of the dome

The built-up area of the designed house does not exceed 35 m², so in certain cases we can build it in the mode of notification of construction works, unlike larger objects, for the construction of which we need a permit. The house was designed as a single-story, but thanks to thoughtful planning of functions, despite the small volume, it was possible to find a comfortable mezzanine. The living area is illuminated by a large number of windows, each of the first floor rooms has access to daylight. The mezzanine is illuminated by a skylight centrally located at the highest point of the dome. The exterior partitions are self-supporting, so only our imagination limits us when shaping the interior.

See 360′ visualization of another version of the interior of the dome – FB version

The first room of the building is a vestibule, from which we pass to a small corridor leading to an open living room with a kitchenette. From the corridor we also have access to the bathroom. A mezzanine floor was designed above the kitchenette and bathroom, the living room, with the dining area is full height. Thanks to the large number of windows, semicircular shape and high room height, the living area of the house is extremely bright and spacious.

See 360′ visualization of another version of the interior of the dome – FB version

Ground floor and mezzanine floor plans of DZIEWANNA model

➜ For details, check out the Q&A page

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